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Select Your Member Type

IEA offers five types of membership and some offer varying terms. All dues are payable online with a credit card and calculated in USD.  To select the type of membership that's correct for you, please review the options below.

If you're a former member and looking to renew, please contact the office at for assistance.

Normal - This category is for those living/working in a high-income country, as determined by the World Bank. Renewal terms can be selected for a single year ($50), three years ($150), or Life ($500).

Low-Middle Income - This category is for those living/working in a low-middle income country, as determined by the World Bank. Renewal terms can be selected for a single year ($35), three years ($105), or Life ($350).

Early Career Epidemiologists - Early career epidemiologists, those who are currently students or within 10 years of graduating with their terminal degree, are eligible for a single term of six years. Proof of status is required to register. Renewal as a Normal, Low-Middle Income or Joint Member is allowed.

Joint - Joint members are epidemiologists who are currently members of an IEA partner national association. Joint members are offered one-year terms ($25). Proof of membership is required now and during renewals, and a list of partners can be found here.

Retired - Epidemiologists who have five years of membership history in IEA and wish to continue their involvement are welcome to become retired members. Dues are half the cost of the regular membership for their country, as determined by the World Bank. Please contact the office to convert to this membership type.

Once you select a Member Type, you must also select a Membership (term) from the list that populates during the application process to enable your application to be processed.